Do you know someone who always chooses the most dificult way to do anything? His excuse is something along the lines of “If I struggle with it now, it will get easier later.” The kinda guy who never takes the easy way, even when there is no reason or reward fo doing something the hard way?

I’m that kinda guy.

Hi, I’m Hans Werner Tschohl.

I studied Engineering because it was hard and I could do some really cool things with applied physics. I decided to study Mechatronics Engineering (Mix between Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering) because just picking one wouldn’t be challenging enough. And on top of all of that, I decied to study it overseas, alone, and in a language I havent spoken in 10 years.

That’s right! I dropped everything after High School to move to Austria so that I could study Mechatronics Engineering, and man was it a rewarding challenge.

Although I am still walking through life, struggling along the way, I am ready to share the lessons I have learned along the way while practicing my own philosophy – “Never take the easy way out.”

Anything worth doing won’t be easy.

Of course there are a lot of other one liners I will add in my posts about own personal philosophy, but that is the one that has guided my major desicions in life so far, and I landed a good paying job, build a thriving friend group and learned a lot of skills along the way with the help of that one philosophy.